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  • Apples
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 50

    Apples are low in calories and contain no saturated fats or cholesterol; 100g of fresh apple slices provide 50 calories. Apples are rich in dietary fiber, which helps prevent absorption of dietary LDL cholesterol. The dietary fibers also help protect the mucous membrane of the colon from exposure to toxic substances.

    Apples contain good quantities of vitamin-C, a powerful natural antioxidant, and beta-carotene. Apples also help to prevent cancer and heart disease, control sugar problems, provide anti-inflammatory protection and promote weight loss.

  • Avocados
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 192

    Avocados, high in vitamin E, are sodium and cholesterol-free, and contain phytochemicals that may help fight heart disease and cancer. 100g fruit provides 6.7g of the recommended daily intake.

    Avocados contain dietary fibers, which help lower blood cholesterol levels and prevent constipation. It may also help to raise levels of HDL (good cholesterol).

    USDA National Nutrient Database

  • Bananas
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 90

    Bananas are low in fats and contain anti-oxidants, minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber (7% of DRA per 100 g. They are also a good source of vitamin C and vitamin-B6 (pyridoxine), an important B-complex vitamin that has a beneficial role in decreasing homocystine (one of the causative factors for coronary artery disease (CHD) and stroke episodes) levels in the body.

    Bananas are also a very good source of vitamin-B6 (pyridoxine). Pyridoxine is an important B-complex vitamin that has a beneficial role in the treatment of neuritis, anemia, and decreasing homocystine (one of the causative factor for coronary artery disease (CHD) and stroke episodes) levels in the body.

  • Blueberries
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 57

    Blueberries are high in antioxidants, low in calories-100g blueberries provide 57 calories. They contain health benefiting soluble dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, and pigment anti-oxidants that contribute immensely for optimum health and wellness.

    Diets with blueberry extract improved short-term memory in aging rats. It also reversed some loss of balance and coordination.

    USDA Agricultural Research Service
  • Cantaloupe
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 34

    Cantaloupe aids in digestion, and is an excellent source of vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant and is essential for maintaining healthy vision, mucus membranes and skin.

    Cantaloupe is also rich in antioxidants that help protect cells and offer protection against colon, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung, and pancreatic cancers.


  • Coconut
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 45

    Coconuts are fat free, saturated free, cholesterol free, a good source of magnesium, manganese, fiber, potassium, and vitamin C.

    Coconut oil helps to control blood sugar, and improves the secretion of insulin. It helps in effective utilization of blood glucose, thereby preventing and treating diabetes. Coconut oil is also believed to be useful in treating pancreatitis, and strengthens the immune system, helping to prevent kidney and gall bladder diseases, and dissolve kidney stones.


  • Genips
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 3.85

    Genips are a good source of iron as well as fiber, calcium, Vitamin A, phosphorus, and niacin.


  • Grapes
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 60

    Grapes are saturated fat and cholesterol free, and very low in sodium. They increase the nitric oxide levels in the blood, which prevents blood clots, thereby reducing the chance of heart attacks. In addition, the antioxidant present in grapes prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which blocks the blood vessels.

    Grapes are considered a laxative food, as they contain organic acid, sugar and cellulose. They also relieve chronic constipation by toning up the intestine and stomach.


  • Grapefruits
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 60

    Grapefruits are high in vitamins A and C, saturated fat free, and sodium and cholesterol free. The pectin reduces the accumulation of arterial deposits, and the vitamin C helps to strengthen and maintain the elasticity of arteries.

    The bioflavonoids prevent cancer cells from spreading in breast cancer patients, by ridding the body of excess estrogen. Diabetics can reduce the starches and sweets in the system by consuming grapefruit. A compound in grapefruit helps reduce the excessive production of cholesterol from the liver. The anti-cancer agents in grapefruit (especially in the rinds) protects against stomach and pancreatic cancer in the digestive system.


  • Guavas
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 68

    Guavas contain no cholesterol and less digestible carbohydrates, and are one of the richest sources of dietary fiber. Its seeds, if ingested whole or chewed, serve as excellent laxatives, helping to clean your intestines and excretory system.

    Guava also helps to reduce cholesterol in the blood and prevents it from thickening, thereby maintaining fluidity and reducing blood pressure. Guava is very high in roughage and rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals.

  • Mangoes
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 70

    Mangoes are rich in pre-biotic dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and poly-phenolic flavonoid antioxidant compounds -100 g of fresh mango fruit provides 765 mg of vitamin A. Mangoes also contain beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin, known to protect the body against leukemia, prostate lung and oral cavity cancers.

    Several trial studies suggest that polyphenolic anti-oxidant compounds in mango offer protection against breast and colon cancers. In addition, mangos are rich in potassium, an important component of cell and body fluids that help control heart rate and blood pressure.

  • Oranges
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 80

    Oranges are high in vitamin C, saturated fat free, sodium free, cholesterol free, a good source of dietary fiber. An orange packs over 170 different phytonutrients and more than 60 flavonoids; many of which have anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and blood clot inhibiting properties and strong anti-oxidant effects which oxidize the LDLs in our blood.

    The flavonoid called hesperidin in oranges can lower high blood pressure. Liminoid helps fight cancers of the mouth, skin, lung, breast, stomach and colon. The alkaloid synephrine found under the orange peel can reduce the liver's production of cholesterol. Vitamin C, an anti-oxidant, protects sperm from genetic damage that may cause birth defects.

  • Papayas
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 60

    Papayas are low in calories (39 cal/100 g), and are cholesterol free. They are a rich source of phyto-nutrients, minerals and vitamins; contain soft, easily digestible pulp/flesh soluble dietary fiber, that helps support normal bowel movements; reducing constipation.

    Papayas contain rich sources of antioxidant nutrients such as carotene and flavonoids; the B vitamins, folate and pantothenic acid; and the minerals, potassium and magnesium; and fiber. Together, these nutrients promote the health of the cardiovascular system and provide protection against colon cancer.

  • Passion Fruit
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 53

    Passion Fruit are fat free, cholesterol free, very low sodium, low in calories; and are a good source of vitamin C and fiber.

    The juice, but mainly the leaves, of passion fruit contain the alkaloids, including harman, which has blood pressure lowering, sedative and antispasmodic action. Researchers at the University of Florida found that the carotenoids and polyphenols in yellow passion fruit extracts can kill cancer cells in vitro.

  • Pineapple
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 50

    Pineapple is low in sodium and calories (provides 50 cal per 100 g), is fat free, saturated fat free and cholesterol free. Pineapples decrease the risk of hypertension, and contain vitamin C, which protects our bodies from free radicals that attack healthy cells. Pineapple is also rich in fiber, and effective in curing constipation and irregular bowel movement.

    Pineapple contains a proteolytic enzyme, bromelain that aids digestion, and has anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting and anti-cancer properties. Consumption of pineapple regularly is known to help fight arthritis, indigestion and worm infestation.

  • Pomegranates
    Healthy Tips

    Pomegranates are a rich source of potassium and antioxidant polyphenols. Being rich in antioxidants, pomegranates can keep LDL (bad cholesterol) from oxidizing and prevent atherosclerosis.

    Pomegranate juice has also been associated with reducing the risk of breast cancer. Pomegranates are good for reducing plaque in the arteries and raising levels of HDL (good cholesterol).

  • Sugar Apples
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 120

    The B vitamin in sugar apples has been found to prevent homocystein build-up, which is associated with a higher risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. It is also rich in potassium, the mineral known to regulate blood pressure levels by controlling the effects of sodium in the body.

    Sugar apples are packed with niacin, a B vitamin effective in increasing good cholesterol in the body. They also maintain thyroid health, and contain copper, a trace mineral that is important for the production of the thyroid hormone called thyroxine.

  • Star Apples
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 20

    Star apples are rich in soluble fiber, which can be useful in reducing cholesterol levels and keeping bowels healthy. Star apple is an excellent source of ascorbic acid, assists in maintaining bones, teeth, mucus membranes, skin and improves the immune system.

    In addition, it contains vitamin B9 that is essential for preventing birth defects as well as reducing the risk of stroke and heart attacks. Star apple contains beta-carotene, which can be converted into retinol or vitamin A, which supports vision and appetite.

  • Strawberries
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 32

    Strawberries are low in calories (32 kcal/100g) and fats but a rich source of many health promoting phyto-nutrients, minerals and vitamins that are essential for optimum health.

    Strawberries are high in potassium and magnesium, which are very effective in lowering high blood pressure caused by sodium. The high fiber, folate, no fat and anti oxidants such as vitamin-C and the phytochemicals (flavonoids) together reduce cholesterol and anti carcinogenic properties to fight cancer and tumors. Vitamin B strengthens the cardiac muscles and supports heart function. A daily intake of strawberries is seen to have remarkably reduced the growth of cancerous cells.

  • Tamarind
    Healthy Tips

    Tamarind promotes a healthy heart, lowers cholesterol, helps the body digest food and is a good source of antioxidants that fight cancer. Tamarind juice is a mild laxative.

    Tamarind is used as a diuretic remedy for bilious disorders, jaundice and runny nose. It is used as a gargle for sore throats, and as a drink to bring relief from sunstroke. The pulp, leaves and flowers, in various combinations, can relieve painful and swollen joints. Heated tamarind juice is used to cure conjunctivitis, and eye drops made from tamarind seeds may be a treatment for dry eye syndrome.

  • Tangerines
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 52

    Tangerines are high in antioxidant Vitamin C, which may help to prevent cancer and boosts the immune system. They also contain folate, beta-carotene, and Vitamins B1, 2, and 3. Tangerines are easier to digest than oranges for many people. Citrus fruits are an excellent protective food choice in winter, when risk of infection is high.

    Citrus contains nutrients that can promote healthy skin and protect the brain against age-related mental decline.

    USDA National Nutrient Database
  • Watermelons
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 23

    Watermelon are very low in calories (30 cal per 100 g), contains vitamins A, C, B6, and potassium. It is fat-free, and contains more lycopene than other fruits or vegetables, which may reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

    Watermelon is an excellent source of vitamin A, a powerful natural anti-oxidant known to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers, essential for vision and immunity and required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin. The anti-oxidant flavonoids like lycopene, beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin are found to protect against colon, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung, and pancreatic cancers.

    USDA National Nutrient Database
  • Sour Sop
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 150

    Sour sop are low in fat, saturated fat free, cholesterol free, sodium free, an excellent source of fiber, vitamin C, and a good source of vitamins B1 and B3, potassium, magnesium, and copper. The seeds, which have emetic properties, can be used to treat vomiting.. The crushed fresh leaves can be applied on skin eruptions to promote healing, and is effective for treating head lice and bedbugs. Sour sop juice can be taken orally as a remedy for urethritis, haematuria and liver ailments. Sour sop flowers are believed to alleviate runny nose.

  • Onions
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 45
    Calories from Fat 0, Total Fat 0g, Sodium 0mg, Cholesterol 0mg, Total Carbohydrate 11g, Dietary Fiber 1g, Sugars 5g, Protein 1g

    Onions aid in thinning of the blood, preventing the red blood cells from forming clumps which could lead to heart disorders or cardiovascular diseases. Onions are rich in active compounds that inhibit the development of cancerous cells. One tablespoon of onion juice along with a spoonful of ginger juice, taken twice a day can boost the libido and sex drive, increasing the urge for a healthy sex life.

  • Garlic
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 102
    Calories from Fat 0, Total Fat 0g, Saturated Fat 0g, Sodium 0mg, Cholesterol 0mg, Total Carbohydrate 1g, Dietary Fiber 0g, Sugars 0g, Protein 0g

    Garlic is known to lower cholesterol, prevent blood clots, reduce blood pressure and prevent cholesterol from sticking to artery walls. The oil extracted from garlic may aid diabetic patients in preventing damage to kidneys, nervous system functions, heart and eyesight. Regular intake of garlic reduces the risk of colon, stomach and esophageal cancer. It aids in reducing the production of carcinogenic compounds and the occurrence of tumor and breast cancer.

  • Carrots
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 25
    Calories from Fat 0g, Total Fat 0g, Saturated Fat 0g, Cholesterol 0mg, Sodium 45mg, Total Carbohydrate 6g, Dietary Fiber 2g, Sugars 3g, Protein 1g, Vitamin A- 270%

    The bright orange color of carrots tells you they're an excellent source of vitamin A. Vitamin A, is important for good eyesight, fighting infection, reproduction (sperm production), maintenance of epithelial integrity, growth and development and keeps your skin and hair healthy. Beta carotene, the major carotene, is one of the powerful natural anti-oxidant which helps protect the body from harmful free radical injury.

  • Collards
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 30

    Wonderfully nutritious collard leaves are low in calories (provide only 30 cal per 100 g), and are cholesterol free. They contain soluble and insoluble dietary fiber that helps control LDL cholesterol levels; and offers protection against hemorrhoids, constipation as well as colon cancer. Collards are an antioxidant vegetable, which detoxifies cells and lowers risk of breast, ovarian, prostate, colon and lung cancers. This leafy vegetable contains amazingly high levels of vitamin–K, potentially increasing bone mass by promoting osteotrophic activity in the bone. It also has a beneficial effect in Alzheimer's disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in their brain.

  • Tomatos
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 20
    Calories from Fat 5, Total Fat 0g, Saturated Fat 0g, Cholesterol 0mg, Sodium 10mg, Total Carbohydrate 4g, Dietary Fiber 1g, Sugars 3g, Protein 1g

    Tomatoes contain lycopene, the red pigment in tomato. This pigment is a powerful antioxidant that can fight cancer cells. Tomato is a good blood purifier; the vitamin K in tomatoes helps to prevent hemorrhages. Tomatoes are a natural antiseptic and can help protect against infection. Nicotinic acid in tomatoes can help to reduce blood cholesterol, thus helping to prevent heart disease. Tomatoes help congestion of the liver. It protects the liver from cirrhosis as well as helps to dissolve gallstones.

  • Red Pepper
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 41
    Total Fat 1.4g, Saturated Fat 0.3g, Carbohydrates 7g, Protein 1g, Cholesterol 0mg, Fiber 2g, Sodium 78mg, Carbohydrates 63%, Protein 10%, Fat 27%.

    Fresh bell peppers, red or green, are rich sources of vitamin C. Unlike other chili peppers, it is very low in calories and fats-100g, and provides just 31 calories. Red peppers contain antioxidant flavonoids such as A and B. Bell pepper contains plant nutrients that are known to have disease preventing and health promoting properties. It also reduces triglycerides and LDL cholesterol levels in obese individuals.

  • Sweet potatoes
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 141
    Calories from Fat 0, Total Fat 0g, Saturated Fat 0g, Cholesterol 0mg, Sodium 35mg, Total Carbohydrate 21g, Dietary Fiber 3g, Sugars 8g, Protein 2g

    Sweet potatoes, are not only sweet, but also good for your cardiovascular health. They are a good source of dietary fiber, which lowers the risk for constipation, diverticulosis, colon and rectal cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Antioxidants play a role in preventing heart disease and cancer. Vitamin E also protects against heart attack and stroke by reducing the harmful effects of low-density cholesterol and preventing blood clots.

  • Pumpkins
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 26

    The high amount of fiber, present in pumpkins is good for bowel health. The potassium in pumpkin is associated with lowering the risk of hypertension. Zinc in pumpkins boost the immune system and improves bone density.

    Pumpkins are very rich in carotenoids, which are known for keeping the immune system strong and healthy. The beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant as well as an anti-inflammatory agent, helping to prevent build up of cholesterol on the arterial walls, thus reducing chance of stroke. Being rich in alpha-carotene, pumpkin is believed to slow the process of aging and also prevent cataract formation.

  • Butternut squash
    Healthy Tips
    Calories from Fat 5, Total Fat 0g, Saturated Fat 0g, Sodium 0g, Total Carbohydrate 4g, Dietary Fiber 1g, Sugars 2g, Protein 1g

    Butternut squash contains many vital anti-oxidants and vitamins. It is rich in the B-complex group of vitamins like foliates, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), thiamin, and pantothenic acid. It is very low in calories; provides just 45 cal per 100 g. It contains no saturated fats or cholesterol; but is a rich source of dietary fiber and phyto-nutrients. Butternut squash contains high levels of vitamin A, a powerful natural antioxidant, and is required by the body for maintaining the integrity of vision, skin and mucus membranes.

  • Cassava Roots
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 120

    Cassava roots are reasonably rich in calcium and vitamin C. They are high in starch (carbohydrates), making it a good energy source.

  • Breadfruit
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 80 (boiled) 160 (Roasted)

    Breadfruit is relatively low in fat and calories, but higher in dietary fiber and iron than other starchy fruits, roots and tubers.

    Its main nutrient is starch and it is also an excellent source of potassium. Breadfruit contributes appreciable amounts of energy, and protein, carbohydrate and dietary fiber to the diet. Breadfruit also contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.

  • Broccoli
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 25
    Cholesterol 0mg, Sodium 30mg, Total Carbohydrate 6g, Dietary Fiber 3g, Sugars 1g, Protein 2g

    Broccoli is high in fiber, which enhances the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and reduces blood cholesterol levels. It contains beta–carotene and omega–3 fatty acids, strong anti–carcinogens, and other nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, zinc, potassium and certain amino acids. These anti-cancer agents fight breast, stomach, uterine, prostate lung, colon, liver, kidney and intestinal cancers. The potassium in broccoli aids high blood pressure, while the calcium helps combat osteoporosis.

  • Brussel Sprouts
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 30
    Calories from Fat 5, Total Fat 0g, Sodium 15mg, Total Carbohydrate 6g, Dietary Fiber 2g, Sugars 1g, Protein 2g

    Brussel sprouts are high in Vitamin C, and are a good source of potassium. Four ounces of brussel sprouts contain about 100 mg of Vitamin C, uncooked. Brussel sprouts contain glucosinolates and antioxidants, which can help prevent the body from developing breast, colon and prostate cancers.

  • Lettuce
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 15

    Lettuce is good for dieters because it is low in calories. Lettuce is a good source of chlorophyll, vitamin K, and iron, which is the most active element in the body. The magnesium content has exceptional vitalizing powers especially in the muscular tissues, the brain and the nerves. Lettuce may also help treat acid indigestion, anemia, arthritis, catarrh, circulatory problems, colitis, constipation, cough, diabetes, gastritis, gout, insomnia, irritable bowel, obesity, sexual addiction, stress, tuberculosis, ulcers and urinary tract diseases.

  • Spinach
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 23

    Spinach is high in vitamin C, well known for boosting the immune system and preventing clogged arteries, and vitamin A, which helps the respiratory system and helps prevent cholesterol from building in the blood vessels. It's an excellent source of folate and magnesium, both good for the heart. Spinach also contains lutein, a carotenoid that helps prevent macular degeneration and cataracts.

    In addition, 100g of spinach provide 402% of daily vitamin-K requirements. Vitamin K plays a vital role in strengthening bone mass by promoting osteotrophic (bone building) activity in the bone. It also limits neuronal damage in the brain in patients with Alzheimer's disease.

  • Caulifolower
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 15

    Calories from Fat 5, Total Fat 0, Saturated Fat 0g, Cholesterol 0mg, Sodium 10mg, Total Carbohydrate 3g, Dietary Fiber 2g, Sugars 1g, Protein 1g.

    Cauliflower is high in vitamin C -one cup of cooked cauliflower gives you almost half of your recommended daily allowance of the vitamin. Several studies show that people eating cauliflower or other crucifers such as broccoli on a consistent basis, reduce their potential for developing lung, colon, bladder, ovarian and breast cancers.

  • Cabbage
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 15
    Calories from Fat 5, Total Fat 0g, Saturated Fat 0g, Cholesterol 0mg, Sodium 5mg, Total Carbohydrate 3g, Protein 1g

    Just like other members of the crucifer family, such as broccoli and cauliflower, cabbage is a preventative of cancer. Cabbage, is also a good source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, which reduces free radicals in the body, strengthens the immune system, helps depression, aids in healing wounds and ulcers and has a beneficial effect on the immune system. There is some evidence that it might actually help Alzheimer's disease patients as well.

  • Cucumber
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 15

    Cucumber is saturated fat and cholesterol free, and one of the very low calorie vegetables; providing just 15 calories per 100 g. Cucumber peel is a good source of dietary fiber that helps reduce constipation, and offers some protection against colon cancers by eliminating toxic compounds from the stomach. It is a very good source of potassium, an important intracellular heart friendly electrolyte; and helps reduce blood pressure and heart rates by countering effects of sodium.

    Cucumber contains unique antioxidants which play a role in aging and various disease processes, and the treatment of Alzheimer's disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.

  • Ginger
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 2

    One of ginger's most touted health benefits is its effects on digestive ailments, including reducing gas. It can help digest fatty foods and break down proteins. It also is known to relieve nausea, and can be effective in treating morning sickness as well as motion sickness. Ginger can be used to treat inflammations such as arthritis or ulcerative colitis. Recent studies show that ginger might also have a role in lowering LDL cholesterol because the spice can help reduce the amount of cholesterol that is absorbed. It is effective in stimulating circulation of the blood , can help relax muscles around the blood vessels, and is said to help prevent blood clots from forming.

  • Kale
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 50

    Kale contains health-promoting phytochemicals, which are appear to protect against prostate and colon cancers. It is very rich in vitamin A, required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes, skin and is essential for vision. Kale offers protection against lung and oral cavity cancers, and is one of the excellent vegetable sources for vitamin K; 100 g provides about 700% of the recommended intake. It is also a rich source of minerals, including potassium that helps control heart rate and blood pressure by countering effects of sodium.

  • Celery
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 10

    Besides being low in calories, celery also lowers blood pressure. Celery contains phtalides that relax the muscles that surround the arteries. This allows the arteries to dilate and the blood to flow easily, which lowers blood pressure and the LDL cholesterol, the bad cholesterol. The sodium and potassium content of celery juice help regulate the amount of bodily fluid and increase the production of urine, which makes it a powerful diuretic. It also aids the functioning of the kidneys- its diuretic action helps eliminate toxins from the body, helping to prevent kidney stones.

  • Corn
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 90

    Health benefits of corn include controlling diabetes, prevention of heart ailments, lowering hypertension and prevention of neural-tube defects at birth.

    Corn is a rich source of calories and forms a part of the staple diet among many populations. Corn contains 342 calories per 100grams, among the highest in cereals. It also prevents haemorrhoids and colorectal cancer. The fiber content of one cup of corn amounts to 18.4% of the daily recommended amount. This aids in alleviating digestive problems such as constipation and haemorrhoids, as well as lowering the risk of colon cancer.

  • Yam
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 108

    Yam is a good source of energy; 100g provide 118 calories. The complex carbohydrates and soluble dietary fiber, together raise blood sugar levels slower than simple sugars and therefore recommended as a low glycemic index healthy food. In addition, the dietary fiber helps reduce constipation, decrease bad or "LDL" cholesterol levels by binding to it in the intestines and preventing colon cancer risks.

    Yam is an excellent source of B complex group of vitamins, which mediate various metabolic functions in the body.

  • Eggplant
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 15
    Calories from Fat 0g, Total Fat 0g, Saturated Fat 0g, Sodium 0mg, Total Carbohydrate 4g, Dietary Fiber 1g, Sugars 2g, Protein 0g

    Eggplant is a fat free rich source of phenolic compounds, an antioxidant that can help prevent cancer, cholesterol build-up and bacterial and viral infection. Eggplant's high fiber content can prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, and colitis. The skin of eggplant contains a phytonutrient that helps protect the lipids (fats) in brain cell membranes. Eggplant can help stomach ulcers, and lowers cholesterol by preventing its absorption in the intestines. Eggplant contains a large amount of water, and is good for balancing diets that are heavy in protein and starches.

  • Irish Potato
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 90

    Potatoes are rich source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, copper, manganese, and dietary fiber. Potatoes are low in sodium, nearly fat free and easy to digest. They are beneficial in curing stomach ulcers and inflamed conditions of the colon. The potassium content, available in potatoes, helps in maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body cells. It also helps in normal functioning of heart and keeping a check on blood pressure.

  • Okra
    Healthy Tips
    Calories: 20

    Besides being low in calories, okra is high in vitamin A, Thiamin, B6, C, folic acid, riboflavin, calcium, zinc and dietary fiber. The mucilage and fiber found in okra helps adjust blood sugar by regulating its absorption in the small intestine. It also helps reabsorb water and trap excess cholesterol, metabolic toxins and surplus bile in its mucilage and slips it out through the stool. Eating okra is recommended for pregnant women for it is rich in folic acid, which is essential in the neural tube formation of the fetus during 4-12 weeks of gestation period in the mother's womb.


Breast cancer  |  Diabetes  |  HIV/AIDS  |  Hypertension  |  Obesity  |  Workplace wellness

Breast cancer

Many women do not learn much about breast health unless they breastfeed or have a problem that needs medical attention. Becoming familiar with breast anatomy and how the breasts function can help you understand the normal changes that occur during your lifetime. This is a good first step in learning about breast cancer and other conditions that affect the breasts.

The breasts are made up of a complex network of milk-producing sacs, passageways for carrying milk, supporting tissue, lymph nodes, glands, tiny muscles and fat. Throughout puberty and menopause, the look of the breasts changes as well as the structure and function of the breasts.

1. What is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is a type of cancer where cells in the breast divide and grow without normal control. Between 50 and 75 percent of breast cancers begin in the ducts, 10 to 15 percent begin in the lobules and a few begin in other breast tissues.

Tumors in the breast tend to grow slowly. By the time a lump is large enough to feel, it may have been growing for as long as 10 years. However, some tumors are aggressive and grow much more rapidly.

It is important to understand the difference between invasive breast cancer and non-invasive breast cancer, called ductal carcinoma in situ (kar-sin-O-ma in SY-too).

Invasive breast cancer
Invasive breast cancer occurs when abnormal cells from inside the ducts or lobules break out into nearby breast tissue. This allows the cancer cells to spread to the lymph nodes and, in advanced stages, to organs like the liver, lungs and bones (a process called metastasis). Cancer cells can travel from the breast to other parts of the body through the blood stream or the lymphatic system. They may travel early in the process when the tumor is small or later when the tumor is large.

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS, non-invasive breast cancer)
When abnormal cells grow inside the milk ducts, but have not spread to nearby tissue or beyond, the condition is called ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). The term "in situ" means "in place". With DCIS, the abnormal cells are still "in place" inside the ducts. DCIS is a non-invasive breast cancer (you may also hear the term "pre-invasive breast carcinoma").

Although the abnormal cells have not spread to tissues outside the ducts, they can develop into invasive breast cancer.

2. Breast cancer in men

Both men and women can get breast cancer. Though boys and girls begin life with similar breast tissue, over time, men do not have the same complex breast growth and development as women. At puberty, high testosterone and low estrogen levels stop breast development in males. While some milk ducts exist, they remain undeveloped, and lobules are most often absent. However, breast problems, including cancer, can occur in men.

3. What are the signs of breast cancer?

The signs of breast cancer are not the same for all women. In fact, some women have no signs that they can see. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor right away: In most cases, these changes are not cancer. For example, breast pain is more common with benign breast conditions than with breast cancer. However, the only way to know for sure is to see your provider. If breast cancer is present, it is best to be diagnosed at an early stage, when the cancer is most treatable.

Breast lumps or lumpiness

Many women may find that their breasts feel lumpy. Breast tissue naturally has a bumpy texture. For some women, the lumpiness is more pronounced than for others. In most cases, this lumpiness is no cause to worry.

If the lumpiness can be felt throughout the breast and feels like your other breast, then it is probably normal breast tissue. Lumps that feel harder or different from the rest of the breast (or the other breast) or that feel like a change are a concern. When this type of lump is found, it may be a sign of breast cancer or a benign breast condition (such as a cyst or fibroadenoma).

See your health care provider if: If you are unsure whether you should have a lump checked, it is best to see your health care provider. Although a lump may be nothing to worry about, you will have the peace of mind that it has been checked.

Nipple discharge

Liquid leaking from your nipple (nipple discharge) can be troubling, but it is rarely a sign of cancer. Discharge can be your body's natural reaction when the nipple is squeezed. Signs of a more serious condition, such as breast cancer, include:

Nipple discharge can also be caused by an infection or another condition that needs medical treatment. For these reasons, if you have any nipple discharge, see your health care provider.

4. What causes breast cancer?

It's a question women want a straight answer to. At the present time, scientists believe that breast cancer is caused by a combination of both known and unknown factors including genetics (such as family history of breast cancer), lifestyle choices (such as diet and alcohol use) and reproductive factors (such as age of menarche and menopause).

5. What are fibrocystic changes?

Lumpiness plus tenderness or pain at certain times of the month is called fibrocystic breast changes. These changes are a normal part of the menstrual cycle. Women are most likely to notice them in the premenstrual phase of the cycle, or if women are past menopause, when taking hormones. Fibrocystic changes do not increase your chance of getting breast cancer. In contrast, a breast lump that should be checked is one that does not change with your cycle. Any persistent lump or thickening should be checked by your health care provider.

6. What are risk factors linked to breast cancer?

Anything that increases your chance of getting a disease is called a risk factor. Having a risk factor does not mean that you will get cancer; not having risk factors doesn't mean that you will not get cancer. Many factors are linked to breast cancer risk. Some factors affect risk a great deal and others by only a small amount. Some risk factors you can't change. Simply being a woman and getting older increase your risk. Other factors you may be able to control. For example, leading a healthy lifestyle can help lower your chances of getting breast cancer.

People who think they may be at risk should discuss this with their doctor. Risk factors for breast cancer include the following:

Breast cancer is sometimes caused by inherited gene mutations (changes).

The genes in cells carry the hereditary information that is received from a person's parents. Hereditary breast cancer makes up approximately 5% to 10% of all breast cancer. Some altered genes related to breast cancer are more common in certain ethnic groups.

Women who have an altered gene related to breast cancer and who have had breast cancer in one breast have an increased risk of developing breast cancer in the other breast. These women also have an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer, and may have an increased risk of developing other cancers. Men who have an altered gene related to breast cancer also have an increased risk of developing this disease. Tests have been developed that can detect altered genes. These genetic tests are sometimes done for members of families with a high risk of cancer.

7. Do plastics, body care products or deodorant play a role in breast cancer risk? (April 2010)

During the past year, you may have heard a report of concerns over plastics, cosmetics, body care products or deodorants and risk of breast cancer. Whether the media source is the evening news or the Internet, it can be hard to know whether any of these products are likely to pose a health risk. Looking at the overall scientific evidence helps put things into perspective.

Bisphenol A (BPA)
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical found in some plastics and some coatings on metals. Concerns about BPA have centered on its use in plastic and metal food and beverage containers. Small amounts of BPA from the containers can get into the foods and beverages inside. As a result, we can be exposed to low levels of BPA.

Ever since BPA was first used in food and beverage containers, the low levels of BPA exposure were deemed safe. And, these low levels of exposure still appear to be safe for adults. Findings from laboratory studies have found that BPA can affect hormone levels in animals, although these hormone changes have not been linked to any harmful effects. And, at this time, there is no evidence to suggest a link between BPA and risk of breast cancer.

However, in January 2010, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it will conduct further studies to look at the health effects of BPA in infants. There is more concern about health risks to infants from BPA because they are exposed to higher levels of BPA than adults from the use of plastic baby bottles and feeding cups.

Parabens are a group of chemicals often used as preservatives in cosmetics and body care products such as lotions and hair care products. (Most deodorants and antiperspirants do not contain parabens.) Parabens have been shown to have very weak estrogen activity. And, animal studies have found some health effects of parabens, but only in very large doses.

In 2008, the Cosmetics Ingredient Review Expert Panel, which conducts research on product safety for the FDA, concluded that paraben exposure from cosmetics and body care products was safe. The Panel found the estrogen effects from parabens are so weak that it is highly unlikely they can be harmful to health, especially in the small amounts used in cosmetics and body care products. In addition, the Panel noted parabens do not build up in the body over time and therefore are unlikely to cause harm.

Deodorants and antiperspirants
Similar to concerns about BPA- and paraben-containing products, there have been reports of concern that chemicals found in deodorants and antiperspirants could penetrate the skin of the underarm and cause harm. Although there have only been a few studies looking at use of these products and breast cancer risk, the research to date doesn't support a link between the two. The largest study, which included more than 800 women with breast cancer, showed no increase in risk from use of either deodorant or antiperspirant. It also showed no increase in risk among women who shaved with a razor prior to applying deodorant or antiperspirant. Given these data and the lack of a biologic mechanism, it does not appear likely that use of these products increases the risk of breast cancer.

Current scientific data do not support a link between plastics, paraben-containing cosmetics or body care products, deodorants or antiperspirants and breast cancer. Although BPA does not appear to be related to harmful health effects in adults (including breast cancer), new studies are examining the safety of BPA exposure in infants.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure®
American Cancer Society
National Cancer Institute

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1. What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease in which blood glucose levels are above normal. Most of the food we eat is turned into glucose, or sugar, for our bodies to use for energy. The pancreas, an organ that lies near the stomach, makes a hormone called insulin to help glucose get into the cells of our bodies. When you have diabetes, your body either doesn't make enough insulin or can't use its own insulin as well as it should. This causes sugar to build up in your blood.

Diabetes can cause serious health complications including heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, and lower-extremity amputations. Diabetes is also a leading cause of death.

There are different forms of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes, which was previously called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) or juvenile-onset diabetes, may account for 5% to 10% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes, which was previously called non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or adult-onset diabetes, may account for about 90% to 95% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that only pregnant women get. If not treated, it can cause problems for mothers and babies. Gestational diabetes develops in 2% to 5% of all pregnancies but usually disappears when a pregnancy is over. Other specific types of diabetes resulting from specific genetic syndromes, surgery, drugs, malnutrition, infections, and other illnesses may account for 1% to 2% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes.

2. What are the symptoms of diabetes?

People who think they might have diabetes must visit a physician for diagnosis. They might have SOME or NONE of the following symptoms:

3. What are the risk factors for type 2 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. Risk factors for type 2 diabetes include older age, obesity, family history of diabetes, prior history of gestational diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance (elevated blood glucose levels but below the diabetic range), physical inactivity, and race/ethnicity. People of African and East Indian origin are at particularly high risk for type 2 diabetes.

4. What is the treatment for diabetes?

Healthy eating, physical activity, and insulin injections are the basic therapies for type 1 diabetes. The amount of insulin taken must be balanced with food intake and daily activities. Blood glucose levels must be closely monitored through frequent blood glucose testing.

Healthy eating, physical activity, and blood glucose testing are the basic therapies for type 2 diabetes. In addition, many people with type 2 diabetes require oral medication, insulin, or both to control their blood glucose levels.

People with diabetes must take responsibility for their day-to-day care, and keep blood glucose levels from going too low or too high.

People with diabetes should see a health care provider who will monitor their diabetes control and help them learn to manage their diabetes. In addition, people with diabetes may see specialists to ensure that any complications are detected and treated early. For example, people with diabetes should have regular eye examinations and routine foot care. Dieticians and diabetes educators who teach the skills needed for daily diabetes management are also important.

People with diabetes tend also to have elevated blood pressure and blood cholesterol as well as being overweight or obese. These problems should also be treated to reduce the risk of heart disease and kidney failure in people with diabetes.

5. Can type 2 diabetes be prevented?

A number of studies have shown that regular physical activity can significantly reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes also appears to be associated with obesity. People can delay and possibly prevent the disease by losing a small amount of weight (5 to 7 percent of total body weight) through 30 minutes of physical activity 5 days a week and healthier eating.

Adapted from the Centers for Disease Control

For more information on diabetes and HIV/AIDS you may visit the following websites:

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1. What are HIV & AIDS?

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). As HIV slowly destroys the body's immune system, HIV disease progresses. AIDS is the final stage of HIV disease.

HIV is the virus, AIDS is the disease, and "HIV disease" is the most appropriate way to describe the continuum of HIV and AIDS.

2. Is there a cure?

There is not a cure for HIV disease. A variety of drugs are used to slow down the damage that HIV does to the immune system. When they are effective, these drugs reduce the amount of HIV in a person's body. However, the drugs do not totally rid the body of the virus. There is not a cure.

No one knows how effective these drugs will be over the long-term and occasionally they have life-threatening side effects. The drugs are also costly and require complicated pill-taking schedules.

3. How is HIV Transmitted?

HIV can be transmitted from an infected person to another through:

Blood (including menstrual blood), semen, vaginal secretions, breast milk
Blood contains the highest concentration of the virus, followed by semen, followed by vaginal fluids, followed by breast milk.

4. What activities allow HIV transmission?

5. Can I get the virus from casual contact?

HIV is a fragile and hard virus to get. You do not get HIV from: sneezing or coughing, touching, hugging, dry kissing, public restrooms, saunas or showers, pools, sharing towels, sharing eating utensils or drinks, or being friends with a person who has HIV.

The following "bodily fluids" are NOT infectious: Saliva, tears, sweat, faeces, and urine. HIV is NOT spread through casual contact.

6. Are condoms effective in preventing HIV transmission?

Correct and consistent use of a latex barrier for protection during sex greatly reduces the risk of transmitting HIV. Knowing how to use a latex condom correctly is important. Failure is largely due to incorrect or inconsistent use. Make sure that the condom is latex or polyurethane; natural or lambskin has pores that HIV is able to pass through.

Never use oil-based lubricants like Vasoline®, salad oil or chocolate, which can cause tears and leaks in the latex, ultimately causing it to break. Instead, use a water-based lubricant such as K-Y Jelly®. Also, observe the expiration date on the package and tear it open carefully. Never use a product that has been previously used or exposed to heat or sun.

7. Do I need to get tested?

If you think you may have been exposed to the HIV virus through unprotected sex or the sharing of unclean needles, go to your doctor or an HIV testing site and ask for an HIV test. The most commonly used test to find out if a person is infected with HIV looks for the antibodies to the virus. Antibodies are produced by the immune system to fight the virus. The antibodies can take three to six months to show up in a person's blood. The time immediately after infection is known as the window period. During this time, an HIV test may come back negative because your body hasn't started to produce antibodies against HIV. You can transmit the virus during this window period.

It is important to consistently reduce your risk, however, it is especially important to refrain from any unprotected sex and/or the sharing of unclean needles during the window period in order to get the most accurate test result.

8. What do the test results mean?

A positive result means:

A negative result means:

A negative result does not mean:

9. If I test positive, does that mean that I will die?

Testing positive for HIV means that you now carry the virus that causes AIDS. It does not mean that you have AIDS, nor does it mean that you will die. Although there is no cure for AIDS, many opportunistic infections that make people sick can be controlled, prevented or eliminated. This has substantially increased the longevity and quality of life for people living with AIDS.

Adapted from San Francisco AIDS Foundation and Minnesota AIDS Project

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What is high blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the force of blood against your artery walls as it circulates through your body. Blood pressure normally rises and falls throughout the day, but it can cause health problems if it stays high for a long time.

How does high blood pressure hurt the kidneys?

High blood pressure makes the heart work harder and, over time, can damage blood vessels throughout the body. If the blood vessels in the kidneys are damaged, they may stop removing wastes and extra fluid from the body. The extra fluid in the blood vessels may then raise blood pressure even more. It's a dangerous cycle.

High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of kidney failure, also called end-stage renal disease (ESRD). People with kidney failure must either receive a kidney transplant or have regular blood-cleansing treatments called dialysis.

What are the signs and symptoms of high blood pressure?

High blood pressure is sometimes called the "silent killer" because it usually has no warning signs or symptoms. Many people do not know that they have high blood pressure. That's why it's important to get your blood pressure checked regularly.

Most people with high blood pressure have no symptoms. The only way to know whether a person's blood pressure is high is to have a health professional measure it with a blood pressure cuff. The result is expressed as two numbers. The top number, called the systolic pressure, represents the pressure when the heart is beating. The bottom number, called the diastolic pressure, shows the pressure when the heart is resting between beats. A person's blood pressure is considered normal if it stays at or below 120/80, which is commonly stated as "120 over 80." People with a systolic blood pressure of 120 to 139 or a diastolic blood pressure of 80 to 89 are considered pre-hypertensive and should adopt lifestyle changes to lower their blood pressure and prevent heart and blood vessel diseases. A person whose systolic blood pressure is consistently 140 or higher or whose diastolic pressure is 90 or higher is considered to have high blood pressure and should talk with a doctor about the best ways to lower it.

What can you do to reduce your risk?

There are several things that you can do to keep your blood pressure in a healthy range—

How to Prevent High Blood Pressure

Increases in blood pressure increases your risk for heart disease. People at any age can take steps each day to keep blood pressure levels normal.

Eat a healthy diet. Eating healthfully can help keep your blood pressure down. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, which provide nutrients such as potassium and fiber. Also, eat foods that are low in saturated fat and cholesterol.

Avoid sodium by limiting the amount of salt you add to your food. Be aware that many processed foods and restaurant meals are high in sodium.

Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight can raise your blood pressure. Losing weight can help you lower your blood pressure.

Be physically active. Physical activity can help lower blood pressure. The Surgeon General recommends that adults should engage in moderate physical activities for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week.

Don't smoke. Smoking injures blood vessels and speeds up the hardening of the arteries. Further, smoking is a major risk for heart disease and stroke.

If you don't smoke, don't start. If you do smoke, quitting will lower your risk for heart disease and stroke. Your doctor can suggest programs to help you quit.

Limit alcohol use. Drinking too much alcohol is associated with high blood pressure.

If you drink alcohol, you should do so in moderation—no more than one drink per day for women or two drinks per day for men.

Can medicines help control blood pressure?

Many people need medicine to control high blood pressure. Several effective blood pressure medicines are available. The most common types of blood pressure medicines doctors prescribe are diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), beta blockers, and calcium channel blockers. Two of these medicines, the ACE inhibitors and ARBs, have an added protective effect on the kidneys. Studies have shown that ACE inhibitors and ARBs reduce proteinuria and slow the progression of kidney damage. Diuretics, also known as "water pills," help a person urinate and get rid of excess fluid in the body. A combination of two or more blood pressure medicines may be needed to keep blood pressure below 130/80.

What you can do?

Your doctor can measure your blood pressure, or you can use a machine available at many pharmacies. You can also use a home monitoring device to measure your blood pressure.

Blood pressure is written as two numbers. The first (systolic) number represents the pressure in your blood vessels when your heart beats. The second (diastolic) number represents the pressure in your vessels when your heart rests between beats.




What is Obesity?

Obesity means having too much body fat. It is different from being overweight, which means weighing too much. The weight may come from muscle, bone, fat and/or body water. Both terms mean that a person's weight is greater than what's considered healthy for his or her height.

Obesity occurs over time when you eat more calories than you use. The balance between calories-in and calories-out differs for each person. Factors that might tip the balance include your genetic makeup, overeating, eating high-fat foods and not being physically active.

Being obese increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis and some cancers. If you are obese, losing even 5 to 10 percent of your weight can delay or prevent some of these diseases.

What are signs and tests for Obesity?

Your health care provider will perform a physical exam and ask questions about your medical history, eating habits, and exercise routine.

The two most common ways to measure health risks from your weight are:

BMI is measured using height and weight. You and your health care provider can use your BMI to estimate how much body fat you have.

Your waist measurement is another way to estimate how much body fat you have. Extra weight around your middle or stomach area increases your risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. People with "apple-shaped" bodies (meaning their waist is bigger than their hips) also have an increased risk for these diseases.

The National Institute of Health measures obesity by a formula called the body mass index (BMI). BMI is the ratio of one’s weight in kilograms to one's height in meters. Adults over the age of 20 can be classified into 4 groups:

Your BMI alone cannot predict your health risk, but most experts say that a BMI greater than 30 (obesity) is unhealthy. No matter what your BMI is, exercise can help reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes. Remember to always ask your doctor before starting an exercise program.

Skin fold measurements may be taken to check your body fat percentage.

How do I determine my BMI?

Your BMI estimates how much you should weigh, based on your height. Here are the steps to calculate it:

For example, a woman who weighs 270 pounds and is 68 inches tall has a BMI of 41.0.

Use the chart below to see what category your BMI falls into, and whether you need to be concerned about your weight.

Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 Healthy
25.0 - 29.9 Overweight
30.0 - 39.9 Obese
Over 40 Morbidly obese

You may also use the chart below to help determine your BMI. Find your height on the left or right side and your weight on the top or bottom. The point where these lines intersect reveals the category you fall in. Obese individuals have a BMI of over 30.

Determine your BMI

BMI is not always an accurate way to determine whether you need to lose weight. Here are some exceptions:

Doctors use a few different methods to determine whether you are overweight. Your doctor may also take your waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio into consideration.

In addition, a lot of other factors influence your health. These include:

What are causes, incidence, and risk factors for Obesity

Taking in more calories than you burn can lead to obesity because the body stores unused calories as fat. Obesity can be caused by:

Many obese people who lose large amounts of weight and gain it back think it is their fault. They blame themselves for not having the willpower to keep the weight off. Many people regain more weight than they lost.

Today, we know that biology is a big reason why some people cannot keep the weight off. Some people who live in the same place and eat the same foods become obese, while others do not. Our bodies have a complex system to help keep our weight at a healthy level. In some people, this system does not work normally.

Other factors that affect weight include:

The term "eating disorder" means a group of medical conditions that have an unhealthy focus on eating, dieting, losing or gaining weight, and body image. A person may be obese, follow an unhealthy diet, and have an eating disorder all at the same time.

Sometimes, medical problems or treatments cause weight gain, including:

Other things that can cause weight gain are:

An active lifestyle and regular exercise, along with healthy eating, is the best way to lose weight. Even modest weight loss can improve your health. You will need a lot of support from family and friends.

When dieting, your main goal should be to learn new, healthy ways of eating and make them a part of your daily routine.

Many people find it hard to change their eating habits and behaviors. You may have practiced some habits for so long that you may not even know they are unhealthy, or you do them without thinking. You need to be motivated to make lifestyle changes. Make the behavior change part of your life over the long term. Know that it takes time to make and keep a change in your lifestyle.

Work with your health care provider and dietitian to set realistic, safe daily calorie counts that help you lose weight while staying healthy. Remember that if you drop pounds slowly and steadily, you are more likely to keep them off.

Extreme diets (fewer than 1,100 calories per day) are not thought to be safe or to work very well. These types of diets often do not contain enough vitamins and minerals. Most people who lose weight this way return to overeating and become obese again.

Learn new ways to manage stress, rather than snacking. Examples may be meditation, yoga, or exercise. If you are depressed or stressed a lot, talk to your health care provider.

Who Is At Risk For Obesity?

Common traits of those who are obese are a high-calorie diet and an inactive lifestyle.

NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Chart : Wikimedia Commons

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